General Conditions for Transport

Equilog Services BV, Belgium
  1. These general conditions apply to all services and performances provided by Equilog Services BV. They consitute an indivisible whole with our offers and invoices and in general with any agreement we conclude. They take precedence over any general terms and conditions of the customer/client. Deviation from these conditions is only possible in a written stipulation signed by us for approval.

  2. All our operations are subject to the General Belgian Freight Forwarding Conditions 2024 whereby Equilog Services BV – powered by Watson Global Logistics can, depending on the assignment, act in the capacity of forwarding agent (“commissionair-expediteur”) or as carrier (“commissonnair-vervoerder”. Unless expressly protested, they are assumed to be tacitly accepted. These conditions apply to all services provided by Equilog Services BV, including all information, offers, contracts and acts, even after the agreement has been executed, except for its own General Terms and Conditions or written and signed stipulation to the contrary.

  3. All goods (including horses) are handled, shipped, transported and/or stabled at the risk of the owner and/or client and are always assumed to be adequately insured, including for any liability and (transport) risks, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

  4. Horses stabled at Equilog Services BV / GMB Horses BV are being turned out at the risk of the owner and/or client and if circumstances permit, and for this purpose may be put in a horse walker, indoor arena, pasture and/or outdoor paddock. Similarly, any veterinary treatment, urgent or necessary, is also done at the risk of the owner and/or client. In both cases, the owner/customer or their representative can pass on any deviating instructions in writing to Equilog Services BV via the following e-mail address:

  5. Horses stabled at Equilog Services BV in preparation for their dispatch to third countries may be excluded from the food chain without prior notification to the owner/client by administration of vaccinations, medicines and/or treatments within the framework of sanitary requirements.

  6. In case the customer/client cancels or changes a shipment within seven (7) working days before the scheduled shipment date, cancellation fees for reservations made (airfreight, quarantine, etc.) will be charged which may amount to 100% of the total shipment cost.

  7. The information about the products and services offered on the website of Equilog Services BV is purely informative, non-binding and subject to changes. Equilog Services BV is entitled to change at any time and without prior notice the information about the offered products and/or services and/or their prices on the website and is not obliged to continuously update any outdated information on the website.
  8. Only offers issued by Equilog Services BV are binding and, unless otherwise stipulated, are valid until seven (7) calendar days after the date of issue.

  9. Unless expressly provided otherwise, no part of the website or the content on the website (text, logos, illustrations & images, design) may be copied, reproduced,
    republished, uploaded, posted, publicly displayed, encoded, translated, transmitted or distributed (including via “mirroring”) to any other computer, smartphone, server, website or other (digital) medium for publication, distribution or commercial purposes in any way without the prior written consent of Equilog Services BV.

  10. All our invoices are payable within the payment term included therein and to the bank account number included therein. Non-payment or partial payment of an expired invoice renders all invoices payable to the client and cancels any discounts granted. In case of late payment of an invoice, a conventional late-payment interest equal to the applicable interest rate in accordance with Article 5 of the Law of 2 August 2022 on combating late payment in commercial transactions shall be due ipso jure and without prior notice of default or, after notice of default has been served on the consumer, from the due date. In addition, as a penalty clause, a fixed compensation in the amount of 10% of the invoice amount, with a minimum of EUR 125.00, shall be payable by law and without prior notice of default. If the principal is a consumer, the fixed compensation that will be charged after notice of default is limited to:
    • 20 euro if the balance due is less than or equal to 150 euro;
    • 30 euro plus 10 % of the amount due on the tranche between 150.01 and 500 euro if the balance due is between 150.01 and 500 euro;
    • 65 euro plus 5 % of the amount due on the tranche above 500 euro with a maximum of 2000 euro if the balance due is above 500 euro. If we should not or not correctly fulfil our obligation to deliver/perform, the client/customer shall be entitled to equivalent compensation. In case of non-payment by the client/customer, Equilog Services BV may, where appropriate, recover the costs from the owner of the horses.

  11. Unless otherwise stipulated in writing, the anticipated notifications, announcements and communications will take place at the discretion of Equilog Services BV by analogue or digital means (post, e-mail, telephone, electronic messaging services, website, etc.) via the contact details provided by the client/customer. Any change or addition of contact details shall be notified to Equilog Services BV in writing without delay.

  12. The collection and processing of personal data takes place in accordance with Belgian and European regulations on the protection of personal data and the General Data Protection Regulation (“AVG” or “GDPR”). In order to fully inform the client/customer about how their data is handled and the rights they have, we have a separate Privacy Policy available on our website.

  13. All our agreements and general terms and conditions are subject to and interpreted in accordance with Belgian Law. In case of disputes, only the courts within the jurisdiction of Antwerp division have jurisdiction.